Nov 7, 2016
Contact: 773-329-5014
To the Media:
Isn’t the Racist Lynch Mob in Cop-Enclave Mt Greenwood a Major News
Media Story??
people of conscience need to take a stand against this ugly racism
and demand Justice for Joshua Beal.
openly white supremacist character of “Blue Lives Matter,” was
revealed Sunday in Chicago as a vicious mob of hundreds of white
people confronted revcoms and other protesters standing up against
the police murder of Joshua Beal. Beal was murdered by an off-duty Chicago cop while he was part of a
funeral procession traveling through the neighborhood of Mt
Greenwood where many white cops and firefighters live.
The crowd had the
feel of a lynch mob, some people wore confederate flag t-shirts,
others had signs that read “animals go home,” “keep out of our
town, you fucked yours up, don’t come over here,” “Justice WAS
done” referring to Joshua’s murder. Some seemed overjoyed that a
Black man was killed – one man was overheard saying, “this is the
spot where he was killed? Let’s have a barbeque!”
this was not only
vitriolic racist crowd, it was filled with people who identified
themselves as “relatives” of cops, and every indication is that
some were off-duty cops. They chanted repeatedly, “N**ger go
home,” and “CPD, CPD, CPD,” joining their unmistakable white
supremacist message with their support for the police terror against
Black and Latino people.” It brought together the ugly reality that
the foundation of this system is slavery, genocide and war and why it
has to be overthrown by revolution.
Williams from the Revolution Club Chicago gave this statement:
police murder of Joshua Beal was a lynching, and this crowd was like
a lynch mob of old. It made me think of footage of the racists
attacking the Freedom Riders in the South in the 1960's or the racist
mobs in Marquette Park here in Chicago in the 60’s and 70’s. They
shouted "CPD, CPD, CPD" and "Trump, Trump. Trump",
a testament to what this ugly election has unearthed from the soil
of Amerikkka and the enforcers of this system. Being out there
deepened the resolve of members of the Chicago Revolution Club to
organize many more people into the revolution and speed up the time
when we can overthrow this system of capitalism imperialism and bring
a whole new world into being. All people of conscience need to take a
stand against this ugly racism and demand Justice for Joshua Beal.”
the midst of this, a young white student and her two friends crossed
the line and stood with the people protesting the murder of Joshua
Beal. She held the Stolen Lives banner with pictures of dozens of
people killed by police. She said: “most of my friends are on the
other side, this infuriates me, they are probably really pissed at me
for crossing the line, but I couldn’t take it anymore”. She
continued, “I am here today for the injustice of people that just
keeps happening, this racism that’s institutionalized into our
homes and in our backyards, in Mt Greenwood especially. Mt Greenwood
is so racist, man, we just had somebody shot…so many times…and
people want to deny and say it’s not because of skin color, but
what else is it? I’m ready to make a stand now, I’m ready. Before
I would sit quietly, you know, maybe protest online, but now I’m
ready to make my voice heard… and speak for those… amplify their
voices, not speak over them, but amplify their voices. Thank you.”
truth must be known about this outbreak of white supremacy and racist
hatred needs to be met head on. People from all walks of life, and
all nationalities need to take a stand. No one can stand aside. Which
side are you on?