Thursday, April 09, 2015

#ShutDownA14 What Are YOU Going to Do?

The murder of Walter Scott in South Carolina, shot down by a cop the way a slave chaser would gun down a rebellious slave, on top of everything else that has happened in the past few months, calls out to us – What are you going to do now?

On April 14, people in cities across the country will take to the streets to disrupt business as usual because business as usual in this country includes police getting away with murdering Black and Latino people. What will you do on this day?
Will you join Cornel West, Eve Ensler, Arturo O'Farrill, Reverend Calvin Butts, Cindy Sheehan, Jasmine Guy, Jasiri X, many family members of police murder victims and others in the streets on that day? 

Will you add your voice to those speaking out against the system to stop giving a green light to brutal, murdering cops? Will you make a serious financial donation to make this mobilization as powerful as it needs to be to STOP murders by police?

Go to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network web site, which has talks given by Cornel West and me at an Emergency Meeting on April 6 in NYC.

Get back to me as soon as you can by email, or twitter.

What you do, or don't do, could make the difference between taking big strides toward stopping the horror of police getting away with murder, or seeing this horror continuing to happen again and again.

Carl Dix