Friday, July 26, 2013

Press Advisory – July 26, 2013
Contact:  646-571-8504

Carl Dix on Obama's Trayvon Comments:
"Massa Trying to Keep the Slaves on the Plantation by Acknowledging Their Pain"

In Wednesday's (July 24) edition of the weekly Black Agenda Report, Carl Dix continued the debate, and writes, on President Obama's comments about the Trayvon Martin case,

It is a calculated attempt to defuse a volatile political situation.”

In "Massa Trying to Keep the Slaves on the Plantation by Acknowledging Their Pain", Dix concentrates on debunking two "deceptive" points made by Obama:  (1) the hypocrisy of Obama's claim to the "bolster African-American boys," and (2) Obama's “more perfect union” is "a nightmare and horror that must be swept away by revolution."

Carl Dix is available for comment and interviews; and can speak on the following additional points of the Trayvon Martin Verdict and it's meaning today:
·  This is AmeriKKKa:  from Dred Scott to Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, Black people have no rights that white people are bound to respect.  The Zimmerman acquittal is a second Dred Scott decision;

·  It is right and necessary to step up mass outrage after the verdict, and why federal lawsuits are worse than useless;

·  Prayer will not bring justice -- “It’s not in god’s hands, it’s in our hands!”;

·  We don’t need a new civil rights movement, we need revolution, nothing less.

Biography:  Carl Dix is a revolutionary communist, a national leader of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, who co-issued with Cornel West a call for a campaign of civil disobedience to STOP “Stop-and-Frisk." This campaign changed the discourse in NYC around the racist stop-and-frisk policy.  Carl refused to go to Vietnam in 1970 and was sent to Ft. Leavenworth military prison.

Video of Carl Dix speaking to protest in Harlem Sunday July 14
* Twitter: @Carl_Dix on Twitter * eMail: *