Saturday, December 10, 2011

Carl & Cornel: Go to and Support the Making of "On the Occasion of the Publication of Basics: A Celebration of Revolution & the Vision of a New World."

On the evening of April 11th, 2011 hundreds of people experienced something incredible at the Harlem Stage, a cultural event so unique in spirit, diversity, imagination, and inspiration that many who attended walked into the Harlem night afterward aching to share what they had just been part of. Many said in one form or another, “If only ___ had been here.” Leaving the event, one student described it this way, "It feels like hope. That’s honestly what it feels like..."

The world can soon experience the hope and vision of On the Occasion of Publication of BAsics: A Celebration of Revolution and the Vision of a New World in the form of a film being made of the event with the potential to reach, challenge, and inspire millions. You can help make that happen.

House parties are being hosted this weekend across the country to raise $23,000 for the film by December 12th.