Put Revolution on the Map
On May 12th, the Detroit police murdered 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Then they treated her family like criminals, arresting her grandmother and testing her for drugs and gun powder residue and making her father lay on the floor in the very room his little girl had just been blown away in, his face in her still warm blood. Then the authorities blamed Aiyana’s family for their little girl’s murder. These pigs are lying thru their teeth! This is wrong, it is illegitimate and it is unacceptable. AND WE MUST NOT ALLOW THEM TO GET AWAY WITH THIS! Come to Detroit and join us in letting people know that there is a revolutionary movement which will not be backed down in the face of this kind of stuff, and which says: “The days when … this system can just keep on doing what it does to people, here and all over the world … when people are not inspired and organized to stand up against these outrages and to build up the strength to put an end to this madness … those days must be GONE. And they CAN be.”
But that’s not all that’s happening in Detroit. The United States Social Forum is happening on June 22-26 – thousands of people coming from all over the country, and beyond, putting their heads together and debating about how to make a different better world. And this revolutionary movement will be there, too – part of the debate, and learning from everyone we can, even as we’re going to boldly put forward our revolutionary solution to this madness.
We’re going to take the need for communist revolution – how it’s the only way to deal with all this – and the existence of our leadership – Bob Avakian and the Party he leads – out to both these sections of people. But that’s not all. The movement for revolution is going to do all it can to bring these two forces together – the basic people in Detroit seething over brutality and injustice, and the activists coming to Detroit to wrangle with making a different and better world. We’re going to work to create a very positive, and very rare, chemistry in this fucked-up society which does everything it can to keep people divided and fearing one another.
If you are sickened and outraged by the police murder of Aiyana Stanley-Jones... if you are outraged by crimes against the environment in the Gulf and the Nazi anti-immigrant laws in Arizona... if you are righteously infuriated by the U.S. rampaging around the Middle East with its thug Israel and you want to fight for a radically different and radically better world where all these things don’t constantly happen… and if you are most definitely down with the Message and Call from the RCP,USA “The Revolution We Need… The Leadership We Have”… if you want to get Bob Avakian and his liberating, emancipating message known to many many thousands in Detroit and beyond… then drop everything and COME TO DETROIT THE 2ND HALF OF JUNE!
Get there June 15th and stay for the whole time. Be there for the United States Social Forum June 22-26, and bring the outrage of the masses in Detroit at this murder into this important gathering of radical activists. And bring the desire of these activists for a better world out among the masses in Detroit. Get there for any part of this time that you can. But get there.
People who want to volunteer to go to Detroit or make a financial contribution to this effort should get in contact with us right away. Write, call, e-mail: Libros Revolucion/Revolution Books (see page 15 for information for different cities) or RCP Publications at Box 3486, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL 60654 – 773-227-4066 – rcppubs@hotmail.com. Please give your name, e-mail, phone number so someone can get back to you right away. Checks can be made out to RCP Publications (marked “Detroit Effort”)
Sunday, June 06, 2010
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