Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Carl Dix: Making Revolution, Fighting Police Brutality

Check out and circulate Carl Dix’ new YouTube video,


Carl puts the challenge to people to take part in the National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality,Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation.

Search YouTube for “Carl Dix” and “making revolution, fighting police brutality” or link it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40dodNHMMko

Carl Dix to join Cindy Sheehan at Martha's Vineyard press conference-- now on August 27th

8/26/09: Flash Update: Press conference postponed to Thursday, August 27th, at 11:00 pm.

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Carl Dix, a long time revolutionary activist and a representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party, will be joining Cindy Sheehan on Martha's Vineyard on August 26th for a press conference at Oak Bluffs Elementary School. Carl was one of the Fort Lewis 6, 6 GI's who refused to go to Vietnam in 1970. Carl served 2 years in Ft Leavenworth military penitentiary for this stand. Carl recently participated in a dialogue in Harlem with Cornel West on "The Ascendancy of Obama ... and the Continued Need for Resistance and Liberation."

Press release below:

MARTHA'S VINEYARD – CINDY SHEEHAN, Peace Activist, Gold Star Mother, Organizer of 'Camp Casey' memorials and a nominee for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize, will be arriving on Martha's Vineyard on Tuesday August 25, to confront President Obama on his engagement in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. She will issue a challenge to Obama on his escalation of troop presence in the Middle East and his continuation of war policies around the globe.

Her schedule of public events is as follows:

Wednesday, Aug. 26, 11am, Press Conference at Oak Bluffs Elementary School.

Wednesday, Aug. 26, 8pm, Peace Vigil, Ocean Park Bandstand, Oak Bluffs.

Thursday, Aug. 27, Friday, Aug. 28 and Saturday, Aug. 29: Boat trips with Cindy for peace movement leaders, press and public. These 'shipboard peace summit' meetings will leave Vineyard Haven twice daily on the 105 foot sloop 'SS Camp Casey' in the afternoons. Call for details. No charge, so reserve ahead. 207-604-8988 or email: mailto:lauriegdobson@yahoo.com

Saturday Aug. 29, 9 to 5 Peace Vigil Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs and Walkabout around the Island

Saturday, Aug. 29, 8pm Cindy Sheehan speaking event "Peace Now, Again", Katharine Cornell Theater, 54 Spring St., Vineyard Haven.

Cindy is scheduling press and media interviews throughout the week. Call Laurie Dobson at 207-604-8988 or email: "mailto:lauriegdobson@yahoo.com" lauriegdobson@yahoo.com or Bruce Marshall at 802-767-6079.

In addition to these planned events, there will be impromptu gatherings during the week. A memorial site will be present on the island with an outdoor area designated as 'Camp Casey', a living tribute to her son Casey Sheehan, who died in the Iraq War, as well as honoring others who were war casualties.

The SS Camp Casey will welcome all those who wish to come to meet Cindy.She will be also available on the Vineyard for gatherings of visitors, which will be open to the public, the press, and anyone desiring to connect with those for whom the costs of war are a daily reality in their lives.

For information on the events, please contact Chris Fried at (508)-693-7741; and for information about Cindy, please contact Laurie Dobson at (207)-604-8988 or email: lauriegdobson@yahoo.com

No Vacations for Body Bags!
