Thursday, August 29, 2013

50 Years After Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" Speech—Amerikkka Is Still A Goddamn Nightmare!

50 Years After Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" Speech—Amerikkka Is Still A Goddamn Nightmare!
3 Points and a Challenge in Response to Obama's Speech!

by Carl Dix | August 28, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

1) Barack Obama stepped to the mic and spoke of the importance of non-violence … for oppressed people. When any representative of the U.S. ruling class preaches non-violence, they mean non-violence for those who might get in the way of their empire. Obama was referring to people who had suffered under Jim Crow segregation and lynch-mob terror. This from the commander-in-chief of the global Amerikkkan empire, who has presided over more than 280 drone missile strikes, maintains a torture chamber prison at Guantánamo Bay and presides over a criminal injustice system that is carrying out a slow genocide aimed at Blacks and Latinos. There might as well have been blood dripping from his jaws as he spoke.
2) Obama said: "If we're honest with ourselves, we'll admit that during the course of 50 years, there were times when some of us, claiming to push for change, lost our way. The anguish of assassinations set off self-defeating riots." That's Bull Shit! People didn't lose their way in the '60s: In fact, they were beginning to find their way, coming to see that the horrors they were up against were built into the very fabric of this set-up and couldn't be reformed away. But they were met with vicious repression—leaders assassinated, activists dragged into court on trumped-up charges, and railroaded off to prison and more. In the face of all that, the movement of that period wasn't able to develop the understanding needed to do what was needed: make revolution and end the horrors Amerikkka enforced on humanity then and continues to enforce today.

3) Many, many people are asking big questions about the unjust nature of this system, and this has forced Obama to speak to some of the problems Black people face today. But he doesn't get into the depths of these problems or what to do about them, except to say rely on him to work on them. For example, he didn't say a fucking word about the more than two million people warehoused in prison. He did say that the unemployment rate for African-Americans has consistently been about twice that of whites and that the wealth gap between Blacks and whites has GROWN over the past decades. But he talked about this like it had nothing to do with the system he presides over.

THE CHALLENGE—There is a way to uproot all these horrors. It'll take Revolution—Nothing Less! I speak to this in depth in a recent talk: "We Don't Need a New Civil Rights Movement—We Need Revolution!" Watch that talk at And dig into BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS!

 * * *

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Friday, August 02, 2013

Manning Must Go Free!
U.S. Mass Murderers Convict Bradley Manning for Exposing Their War Crimes

By Carl Dix | July 31, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

Bradley Manning dared to expose the war crimes of the U.S. For this, he has been convicted by a military court on 19 charges, including espionage and theft of government property. He was acquitted of aiding the enemy, which could have gotten him the death penalty—but he faces more than 130 years in prison when the judge decides his sentence.
What "crimes" did Bradley Manning commit? In 2010, he leaked video footage to WikiLeaks that documented U.S. troops firing from a helicopter and mowing down Iraqi civilians, including a journalist carrying a camera, people coming to the aid of those wounded or killed, and children! The video became known as "Collateral Murder" and was viewed by people the world over.
Later Manning leaked documents that included a U.S. government report that documented more than 66,000 Iraqi civilians killed in the U.S. invasion and occupation of that country. The U.S. had claimed that it had no records of civilian deaths in Iraq, and this leak exposed that as a flat-out lie.
Bradley Manning was a young man who joined the military because he thought he could help people as a soldier. Then he saw the horrors America was perpetrating on people in Iraq and Afghanistan that were being covered up. He righteously decided that he had a responsibility to bring those horrors to the light of day. For doing this, he was viciously persecuted in prison—held in solitary confinement, and stripped naked for much of the time he was jailed. Now he faces a lifetime in prison.
The punishment of Bradley Manning is cruel and vindictive. And the system is trying to make an example of him: to warn and intimidate others in the military and in society more broadly that anyone who acts on conscience this way will face the same consequences.
Bradley Manning did the right thing! He never should have been put on trial, and he should go free from prison.
I have a sense of what Bradley went through. I was drafted into the U.S. military in the 1960s and given orders to go to Vietnam. I had to do a crash course in what that war was about and learned that U.S. imperialists were trying to drown the liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people in blood. It was a war that I should not be a part of. Then I had to decide whether to act on what I knew to be true, knowing that meant going to jail. I did the right thing—refused to go to Vietnam and spent two years in Leavenworth Military penitentiary.
Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, the drone wars of Obama. The political representatives of U.S. imperialism never tire of proclaiming America to be the worldwide champion of "democratic values." But look beneath the façade, and there is the gruesome reality of murderous wars, atrocious war crimes routinely covered up, and the harsh prosecution of those who expose these crimes.
This IS a criminal system and we need revolution—nothing less.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Press Advisory – July 26, 2013
Contact:  646-571-8504

Carl Dix on Obama's Trayvon Comments:
"Massa Trying to Keep the Slaves on the Plantation by Acknowledging Their Pain"

In Wednesday's (July 24) edition of the weekly Black Agenda Report, Carl Dix continued the debate, and writes, on President Obama's comments about the Trayvon Martin case,

It is a calculated attempt to defuse a volatile political situation.”

In "Massa Trying to Keep the Slaves on the Plantation by Acknowledging Their Pain", Dix concentrates on debunking two "deceptive" points made by Obama:  (1) the hypocrisy of Obama's claim to the "bolster African-American boys," and (2) Obama's “more perfect union” is "a nightmare and horror that must be swept away by revolution."

Carl Dix is available for comment and interviews; and can speak on the following additional points of the Trayvon Martin Verdict and it's meaning today:
·  This is AmeriKKKa:  from Dred Scott to Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin, Black people have no rights that white people are bound to respect.  The Zimmerman acquittal is a second Dred Scott decision;

·  It is right and necessary to step up mass outrage after the verdict, and why federal lawsuits are worse than useless;

·  Prayer will not bring justice -- “It’s not in god’s hands, it’s in our hands!”;

·  We don’t need a new civil rights movement, we need revolution, nothing less.

Biography:  Carl Dix is a revolutionary communist, a national leader of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, who co-issued with Cornel West a call for a campaign of civil disobedience to STOP “Stop-and-Frisk." This campaign changed the discourse in NYC around the racist stop-and-frisk policy.  Carl refused to go to Vietnam in 1970 and was sent to Ft. Leavenworth military prison.

Video of Carl Dix speaking to protest in Harlem Sunday July 14
* Twitter: @Carl_Dix on Twitter * eMail: *

Monday, July 15, 2013

Carl Dix in Harlem—the Day After the Trayvon Martin Case The System is Guilty We Need to Put an End to This System

After the Trayvon Martin Verdict:

The Whole Damned System Is Guilty!

Statement from Carl Dix

July 16, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |

Download PDF Flier
The Not Guilty verdict in the Trayvon Martin case slammed home the legacy of centuries of slavery and said it's OK to lynch Black youth in America. The target on the backs of Black youth has been given legal justification again.
Millions are filled with rage over this verdict. That rage drove many of us into the streets in cities across the country. Black parents in tears, hugging their children and agonizing over their futures in a society that saw them as permanent suspects—guilty until proven innocent, if they can survive to prove their innocence. People of all nationalities standing together, declaring they don't want to live in a world like this. This response opens up the possibility for a new fighting spirit.
Whether all this will get shoved back into the stifling normalcy of America where millions hang their heads and suffer these horrors in silence and millions more look away and ignore the howling injustices being perpetrated depends on what we do now. It is a matter of life and death!
The response that's begun—the thousands in New York City who shut down Times Square, the people who stopped a major freeway in LA, and the people in dozens of cities across the country—has to be built on. Many more people who hated this verdict need to be called on to express their rage at it in many different ways.
NOW IS THE TIME! Enough with this system and its savage oppression of Black people. NO MORE of its open season on Black and Latino youth.
And it is a system we're dealing with here—not just an outrageous verdict or racist laws. This capitalist system which arose on the foundation of slavery and genocide is today a worldwide system that enforces lives of poverty and misery on countless millions.
We need to get rid of this system. We need a society and a world where our Black and Latino youth can live and thrive, where women don't face violence and enforced motherhood, where instead of making wars on the oppressed of the world, the new society is backing their revolutionary struggles, where the environment isn't being ravaged but being protected for current and future generations. This kind of world could be brought into being through revolution.
We in the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) are ready to lead in building a movement for this revolution. There is leadership for this revolution in Bob Avakian, the leader of the RCP. There is a strategy for this revolution. Get into the works of BA that envision what the new society would look like and how to bring it into being. Get with the Revolution Club in your area. Go to the site to learn deeply why the world is the way it is and how to change it. Get with the movement for revolution the RCP is building. Everyone's contribution matters.
Now is the time to move on doing this. The attention of millions has been riveted on the horrific injustice of this verdict. People are opening their eyes to the reality that these horrors happen again and again. If they see determined fighters standing up and saying NO MORE to all this and spreading the need for and possibility of revolution, it will challenge them to join in fighting the power and to open their eyes to the system behind all these horrors and getting with the movement for revolution to get rid of that system.
To those who see the need to get rid of this system, you need to be everywhere people are calling for justice for Trayvon. In action and word bring to people the understanding that any justice we win will only come through determined resistance, not from relying on the system that has perpetrated all this injustice—while bringing to people the understanding of the source of the problem and the solution.
It should burn in our hearts, that while this fight for justice for Trayvon continues, the police will have murdered many more of our youth, and the system continues to warehouse 2.3 million in prison. The fight for justice for Trayvon is part of the fight against all of this. Thousands of prisoners in California are on hunger strike right now, putting their lives on the line to stop the mass torture of solitary confinement of 80,000 prisoners in the U.S. Their fight, their message needs to spread and inspire the whole movement.
A powerful movement of resistance to stop the horror of mass incarceration can and must, right now, take a huge leap—with hundreds and thousands becoming part of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network. Without exaggeration, the lives of millions depend on it.
As people stand up and express their outrage, there needs to be a spirit of digging deeply into why I say The Whole Damn System Is Guilty and getting into and getting with the revolutionary way out of the horrors that this system, this country, inflicts on people here and around the world. The slogan “Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution!”expresses a big part of how the thousands of people whose hearts ache for a radically different world can go to work on the situation right now, speaking to millions today, so that as the struggle unfolds, as the situation here and around the world changes, the thousands who have been organized and trained in a revolutionary way today can become the backbone and pivotal force in winning the millions to revolution when there is a revolutionary situation, to carry the revolution through.
The system has delivered its verdict. We must deliver ours. The movement for Justice for Trayvon must become broader, involving hundreds of thousands of people; it must reach deeper into all sections of society and deeper into understanding of the problem and the solution; and it must become more determined, putting before all: we will not live like this. And, we don't have to. It's time to act.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

As the Trayvon Martin Case Goes to the Jury…

As the Trayvon Martin Case Goes to the Jury…

A Statement By Carl Dix

July 12, 2013 | Revolution Newspaper |
 As the trial of George Zimmerman, the vigilante and wannabe cop who murdered Trayvon Martin, comes to a close, we should look squarely at what has been revealed. The killing of Trayvon was a modern-day lynching. Zimmerman saw a Black youth wearing a hoodie, decided he "was up to no good," stalked him, and, feeling the whole strength of the system behind him, shot young Trayvon.
In court, Zimmerman's defense, with its parade of "experts," family, and friends, boiled down to the supposed right to kill people like Trayvon with impunity. If George Zimmerman walks free again, it will serve as a high-profile declaration and further rationalization for placing a target on the backs of a whole generation.
Everyone with an ounce of justice in their hearts needs to stand against the murder of Trayvon Martin. People of different nationalities and from different backgrounds must stand together in this. Fighting the oppression of Black people, fighting the criminalization and brutalization of Black people in this country and the new Jim Crow, is in the interests of all those who have a conscience and want to live in a just society.
*Take up the Call from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network (SMIN) to organize vigils when the case goes to the jury. These vigils can be organized everywhere, and different kinds of people can be involved in them.
*Plan to act when it is announced that the jury has reached a verdict—in powerful, determined, and creative ways. Select the time and place where people should gather… and spread the word.
*Circulate the "We Say No More" statement from SMIN. This statement sharply condemns Trayvon's murder and links it to the 2 million + people in prison in the U.S.
This is the challenge. Regardless of what the verdict is, a mass response is needed. The message that must be sent is that the Trayvons of this world have a right to survive and flourish, and should get justice when they're attacked. It's about the kind of world we want to live in.
And if people who take to the streets come under attack, we must all have their backs. Authorities who criminalize and brutalize people cannot be allowed to beat, corral, pepper-spray or do worse against the people for opposing their brutality.
Trayvon's murder and the trial of his killer have laid bare the illegitimacy of this whole setup. Let's not forget that it took thousands of people all across the U.S. expressing outrage to force the authorities to put Zimmerman on trial. In the courtroom, reality got turned on its head. Trayvon was portrayed as the criminal and Zimmerman as the victim. Rachel Jeantel, the young woman who was on the phone with Trayvon when he was killed, was bullied by Zimmerman's lawyer for telling the truth.
This case concentrates the oppression that Black people have faced for centuries in this country. Youth like Trayvon are murdered by cops and vigilantes who almost never get punished for their crimes. Tens of thousands of Black and Latino youth are put into prisons every year. This is part of an overall program of brutality and suppression that amounts to a slow genocide that is breaking the bodies and crushing the spirits of countless millions of oppressed people. And as the case goes to the jury in Florida, 30,000 prisoners in California are engaged in a heroic strike against inhumane and savage conditions of solitary confinement. This is the reality of this system.
But there is also the reality that Trayvon Martin and youth like him DO NOT have to die or face lives of unending brutality and misery. A society that warehouses millions in prison, subjects tens of thousands of people in prison to torture and enforces vicious brutality on Black people can be ended. A society and world where the Trayvon Martins and Rachel Jeantels and countless millions like them can flourish and contribute to society is possible.
It is possible through revolution, communist revolution. A revolution that can end all the horrors this system inflicts on humanity—the oppression of Black people, the degradation faced by women, the wars for empire, the ravaging of the environment and more. This revolution is based on the theory of Bob Avakian and can be won with the leadership provided by the Party, the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), which he leads. If you want no more of this world and its brutality and misery, get into the work of Bob Avakian. Check out the film BA Speaks: REVOLUTION—NOTHING LESS, Bob Avakian Live. Read BAsics, a handbook for revolution drawn from Avakian's talks and writings. And get with the movement for revolution the RCP is building. There is a way out of the madness and oppression!
And if you hate injustice, you need to express your outrage at the murder of Trayvon and the racist justifications for this murder. NO MORE to placing a target on the backs of youth like Trayvon Martin.
 For more on Bob Avakian and the movement for revolution, as well as developments around the Trayvon Martin case and more, go online to
- See more at:

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Proposal for Action to the Stop Mass Incarceration Network and All Others Who Want to Fight the New Jim Crow


We face an emergency situation.
  • More than 2.3 million people, over half of whom are African-American or Latino, continue to be warehoused in prisons across the country. 
  • Many, many of these incarcerated people face conditions that fit the international definition of torture.  This includes, by last count, over 80,000 in solitary confinement.
  • More than 5 million formerly incarcerated people face are stigmatized and treated as pariahs: discriminated against when they look for work, barred from living in public housing or receiving government loans and denied the right to vote. 
  • Racial profiling – including in the form of stop-and-frisk and gang injunctions – as well as racially discriminatory use of police to arrest literally hundreds of thousands of youth a year in school, giving them records for minor disciplinary infractions of school rules – continues to feed youth of color into the meat grinder.
  • Every night the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency detains about 33,400 immigrants.  A new report details how 100’s of these immigrants are being held in conditions of solitary confinement that amount to torture.
All this amounts to a slow genocide that is breaking the bodies and crushing the spirits of countless millions of oppressed people. A slow genocide which could easily become a fast one.  This is unacceptable and must be stopped!  And it is up to our grassroots efforts to stop it.

Nearly two years ago some of us met to pull together a movement not just to protest this, but to END IT.  Some things have been done – we have supported the 2011 prisoners’ hunger strikes in California; participated in actions across the country in protest of the murder of Trayvon Martin; and participated in many protests in communities across the country against police murder.  And, in particular, we launched a major campaign of mass nonviolent direct action against the notorious stop-and-frisk policies in New York City.

This has been important.  But it is not nearly enough.

Our movement of resistance to mass incarceration must make a big leap ahead in the coming months, becoming a major force in US society capable of beating back this slow genocide and building up the strength and organization needed to actually STOP IT.  I want to suggest a combination of initiatives for this summer that I think could, together, amount to a major step in this direction and, right now, make a huge leap in putting this in the forefront of people’s minds.
  • A central focus of doing this must be working to support the hunger strike called for by people in prison in California. In 2011 prisoners in the Special Housing Units (SHU’s) of the California prisons engaged in a hunger strike demanding an end to the tortuous conditions. (For info on this strike go to  They plan to initiate another hunger strike on July 8, 2013, if the authorities continue to refuse to respond satisfactorily to their demands for change, and they have called on prisoners across the country to join them.  They have also issued an inspiring call for unity between people of different races and nationalities inside and outside the prisons. People who have been locked down in the dungeons of this country and have been condemned as the worst of the worst have stood up and said NO MORE!   They have asserted their humanity, and if we wish to assert our own humanity, we can do no less than build powerful support for these prisoners – beginning now.  We should act in solidarity with these prisoners, with their loved ones and all those who have supported their struggle.
THIS HAS TO START NOW!  We need to spread the word on the planned hunger strike and the Call for unity inside and outside the prisons.  We need to gather statements of support for the actions of the prisoners.  We need to plan tribunals and other forms to involve broad sections of people in standing with the hunger strikers.  If at all possible, we must through this protest force the state of California to meet these demands and make it unnecessary for these prisoners to take such a desperate action; but we must also be prepared to support them through what might indeed be a necessary and very difficult struggle. 

Even as we focus on this, we need to continue working to build a powerful movement on resistance to mass incarceration overall.  This means:
  • Taking on police brutality, police murder and violation of people’s fundamental rights. Supporting people whenever they take a righteous stand against this.
  • URGENT: We face an immediate necessity to build support for Noche Diaz, a young revolutionary who goes on trial in New York City on April 23rd facing several years in prison for observing the police brutalizing people and refusing to leave those people alone to deal with that brutality.  Please right now sign the statement in support.  (You can sign this statement by going to  And contact me about other ways we can support this courageous young fighter.
  • The trial of the vigilante murderer of Trayvon Martin begins in June.  It took massive outpourings across the country to force the authorities to put Zimmerman on trial, and without continued mass involvement there will be no chance for justice in this case. 
  • Spreading the blow-the-whistle actions we took last Fall, in which communities were mobilized to blow whistles to highlight police harassment and abuse on the spot. These were taken up in several communities and showed real potential as a way for people in the grassroots to resist the denial of their rights as it happens, and to protest this.  This summer should witness a real spread of this method of resistance.
  • The statement: “A Generation of Suspects” should be further circulated and should actually become a dividing line in society.  This is a vehicle for all people, whether they directly face this slow genocide or not, to stand up and protest against it. 
  • This movement needs to take on a cultural expression.  There are many who would want to participate in creating a culture that highlights what is truly positive – resistance against this.  Can we ask visual artists to create a logo or emblem that could become something like the pink-and-black triangle of ACTUP?  And we should also look at the possibility of a major hip hop concert in the fall.  (How is “Words and Beats Against Mass Incarceration” as a title for this?) 
  • Finally, there should be literally thousands in the streets, and tens of thousands protesting in other ways, on October 22, 2013, the 18th annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.
As part of doing this, we need to get further organized.  This means encouraging the formation of chapters of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network all over the country.

These are my ideas on what we need to take up in the months ahead.  There is an urgent need to map out an approach to the continuing slow genocide of mass incarceration that grinds away engulfing the lives of tens of millions of oppressed people.  In doing this, we need to base ourselves on what we have accomplished so far while facing squarely the need to go much further.

Get back to me with your thoughts on this proposal.  Write me at or call Steve Yip at (917) 868-6007.

By: Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party, Co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network
April 14, 2013

Monday, April 01, 2013

Our Movement of Resistance Needs a Lot of Room for Dialogue and Discussion But NO ROOM FOR ATTACKS AND THREATS OF PHYSICAL VIOLENCE
 The fight for Justice for Kimani Gray is part of the fight against a highly repressive state that enforces mass incarceration, the criminalization of a whole generation and discrimination against formerly incarcerated people. All this amounts to a slow genocide targeting Black and Latino people, which must be met with mass determined resistance.

Kimani’s murder and people’s response to his murder mark an important juncture in this fight. This time people stood up and said NO! They did this in the face of riot cops brutalizing and arresting people, including Kimani’s sister, who gathered at vigils and protests. The authorities denied a permit to protest to Kimani’s parents. Politicians and the media directed slander at so-called “outsiders” who dared to stand together with those who had borne the brunt of the repression. It is crucial that this be resisted in a UNIFIED WAY! That is why the Stop Mass Incarceration Network called for the rally and march on March 24 and raised the slogans JUSTICE FOR KIMANI GRAY, JAIL THE KILLER COPS and DROP THE CHARGES AGAINST ALL THE ARRESTED PROTESTERS!

Carrying this fight forward will require forging broad unity among people from many different viewpoints. It is very important that everyone involved be able to put forward their honest views on the problem facing people and the solution to that problem. There needs to be honest and principled airing of differences within the unity that has been forged. Getting to the source of the problem and posing the solution to it from different viewpoints is VERY positive and is not, as some have tried to characterize this, bringing in outside issues.

But some forces issued physical threats against people associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party and the Revolution Club and shouted down speakers associated with these groups. This is unacceptable. It is important that this kind of divisive and dangerous conduct not be tolerated. Not only is this type of conduct wrong on principle, it has historically been used against movements of resistance to split, confuse, and demoralize people. It has also provided a free hand for the state to suppress, repress, and frame people and even set people up to be murdered. We must learn from and apply the lessons of this bitter experience.

There can be no unity with groups and/or individuals who carry out such actions unless and until they disavow such actions and repudiate them. Actions like these weaken the resistance movement and serve the interests of the powers-that-be, whatever the intentions of those who did them.

With this approach, we can build the firmest unity among the broadest forces and we can create an atmosphere where people have each other’s backs, where we are learning from each other as we stand shoulder to shoulder in this life-and-death struggle.

Initial List of Signatories
Dahoud Andre, Haitian community activist, NYC;
Calvin Barnwell, Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Elaine Brower, World Can’t Wait; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Stephanie R. Colon, member of Stop Mass Incarceration Network Steering Committee, NYC;
Randy Credico, Impressionist and social comedian; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Noche Diaz, Revolution Club NYC; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Nicholas Heyward Sr., father of Nicholas Heyward Jr, killed 1994 by NYPD;
B.M. Marcus, Community Director, Community Advocate and Development Organization, Brooklyn;
Richie Marini, World Can’t Wait; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Jamel Mims, Revolution Club NYC; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Travis Morales, member of Stop Mass Incarceration Network Steering Committee, NYC;
John Penley, Tent City Tompkins Square Park*, NYC;
Allene Person, mother of Timur Person, killed 2006 by NYPD;
Rev. Stephen Phelps, The Riverside Church*; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Revolution Club NYC
Morgan Rhodewalt, Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Debra Sweet, World Can’t Wait; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk;
Jim Vrettos, professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice*; Arrested protesting NYPD stop-and-frisk
Juanita Young, mother of Malcolm Ferguson, killed 2000 by NYPD;

Additional Signatories:

Alan Barysh, performance poet and Revolution Newspaper Seller, Baltimore;

Jay Becker, Chicago, IL

Arthur Blakey II, musician and activist, Ohio

Reginald T. Brown, M. Ed., Unity Fellowship of Christ Church NYC*, LGBT Faith Leaders of African Descent*, AIDS Leadership Coalition*, Stop Mass Incarceration Network;

Darcy Delaproser, Founder Member of Triple A (Advocates for Abandoned Adolescents*), UK;
Larry Everest, Revolution correspondent, author Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda;
Johanna Fernandez, Professor, Baruch College*, New York;
Idriss Stelley Foundation, San Francisco CA;
Mesha Irizarry, mother of Idriss Stelley, killed 2001 by SFPD; director, SF Education Not Incarceration, and of Idriss Stelley Foundation; co-chair, City and County of San Francisco Marijuana Offenses Oversight Committee (MOOC)*;
Dr. Neal N Jackson, Pastor - Activist, Richmond, Virginia;
Sandra J. Jones, Ph.D., LCSW, Associate Professor, Sociology Department, Rowan University*; Board Member, Campaign to End the Death Penalty*;
Noel "Don" Juan, Music Director, San Francisco;
Jill McLaughlin, World Can't Wait;
Alessandro Morosin,Graduate Student, Sociology, UC Riverside, M.A., Global Studies, UC Santa Barbara;
Maurice Muhammad, Southern Regional Director, Hour Time Now 4 Black Unity;
Joyce Robbins, Touro College*, New York;
Seattle Affiliate, October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Seattle;
SF Education Not Incarceration, San Francisco CA;
Garret Schenck, Occupy Hartford CT*; arrested on #S17 with #OWS;
Andree Penix Smith, mother of Justin Smith, killed 1998 by Tulsa OK Police; co-editor Stolen Lives: Killed by Law Enforcement; 

Scott Trent, October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation, Guilford (AKA "GUILTY") County, NC;

*For identification purposes only.

To add your name to this list of signatories send an e-mail to: