Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 New Year’s Message From Carl Dix

December 31, 2010

Dear Friends,

Heading into the new year, there is much to reflect on and great challenges ahead.  Last year we saw wars for empire; drone attacks destroying villages in Afghanistan , Pakistan and Yemen ; government spying -- all things people hated Bush for -- continuing under Obama.  A year of continued economic dislocation that has left millions out of work and millions more losing their homes.  A year of subjugation of Black people and other oppressed nationalities.  And there's the Tea Party phenomena -- a rising fascist movement aiming to enforce a nightmarish vision of the country's past.

The challenge we face isn't just maintaining the status quo or making minor changes around the edges of this horrific set up.  We can't leave this imperialist system intact, crushing spirits and grinding up bodies of the people.  Instead we must radically transform this society and the world.  To meet this challenge, we in the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) are building a movement for revolution -- a movement spreading the message that things don't have to be this way, that through revolution, Communist revolution, we could bring a totally different, and far better, world into being.  A movement that builds resistance to the ways the system comes down on people -- that "Fights the Power, and Transforms the People, for Revolution."

I've been pouring all my energy into this.  I continued my campus tour -- "From Buffalo Soldier to Revolutionary Communist" -- bringing it to Howard University in the spring.  On the heels of that I was in Chicago for Tavis Smiley's "The Black Agenda is the American Agenda," spreading the message that revolution is the real way to end the brutality and misery imperialism inflicts on Black people and everyone else on this planet.

I spent several weeks this summer in Detroit, building resistance to the police murder of 7 year old Aiyana Stanley-Jones and taking the message of revolution to people on the mean streets of that city's east side.  I was also part of a crew of revolutionaries that went among the thousands of activists who gathered in Detroit for the US Social Forum.  To their slogan of "Another World is Possible," we added the truth that revolution is the only real way out from under the rule of this bloodsucking system.

On October 29th, I had a second conversation with Cornel West on the campus of the City College of New York .  Before a standing room only crowd, we dialogued over, "In the Age of Obama Part 2:  Police Terror, Incarceration, No Jobs, Mis-Education; WHAT FUTURE FOR OUR YOUTH?"  Cornel urged the youth not to become "titillated by commodities" or "adapted to indifference."  I spoke to how the problems youth and others face are built into the very fabric of the system and that revolution is the only way to end them, once and for all.  These two deep and radical thinkers engaging over this crucial question, expressing a lot of unity and taking up differences over religion and Obama, electrified this packed theater.

And this fall, the RCP issued a "CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal)".  This is a huge deal!  This Constitution breaks down what a revolutionary society would look like, how the government would be organized, how the economy would work, the media, education, health care, the arts -- everything.  Anybody who wants to know 'what the revolutionaries' are for needs to read this.  I've been promoting the Constitution in the media and in other ways and getting it to everybody I can. (If you want to read this Constitution, go to the web site:

Looking to the year ahead, I plan to continue working to put revolution on the map, introduce people to the leadership we have for this revolution in Bob Avakian and rally a core of people out to make this revolution real.  I'll be 1) Continuing to promote the Constitution.  2) Preparing for the release of BAsics, a book of quotations from the writings of Bob Avakian, by the spring. And 3) Taking my dialogue with Cornel West on the road, hitting college campuses, bringing this electrifying engagement to young people, and others, all across the country.

What I'm writing you about here isn't just a spectator sport -- There's a role for you in all this.  For starters, get a subscription to Revolution newspaper (  It'll bring you developments around the world from a revolutionary perspective, and it'll connect you to this movement for revolution.  And I need you to support my efforts to spread the message of revolution so that I can continue to do things like going to conferences in different parts of the country or rolling up to Detroit, or wherever determined resistance to the system's attacks is going on, with a crew of revolutionaries:  Make a contribution – do it online at my blog:; and/or help to set up campus speaking engagements.

Revolutionary Greetings,
            Carl  Dix

Follow Carl Dix at:
FaceBook Page: "From Buffalo Soldier to Revolutionary Communist"

Office of Carl Dix, Revolutionary Communist Party , USA
P.O. Box 941 Knickerbocker Station, New York NY 10002-0900 , (866) 841-9139 x2670

More on Who Murdered Aiyana Stanley-Jones

A Response to Charlie Leduff's "What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones?"

The article by Charlie Leduff ("What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones?" from Mother Jones magazine - Nov/Dec 2010) plays a good and important role.  It keeps the story of this foul crime alive and in the public eye.  Part of how the authorities are trying to cover up this murder is by ‘investigating” it till people forget or become fuzzy about some of the more gruesome details.  This article is also a comprehensive attempt to weigh the various things that factored into this murder.

But its very comprehensiveness leads it to end up in muddying the waters on just what and who is responsible for this little girl’s murder.  The answer to who or what killed Aiyana is both pretty simple and somewhat complex.  The simple answer is that a killer cop killed her--a cop who had demonstrated a disregard for the lives and humanity of Black children. A couple years earlier, he shot a dog that was in a room near a young child playing.  To be clear, the cop hadn’t been called to save the child from a dog that was threatening it.

This killer cop was part of the Detroit Police Department (DPD), which has a long, sordid history of inflicting brutality on that city’s Black population. Stolen Lives, a project of the Oct 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, has documented 42 cases of people killed in the 1990's by the DPD.  These are only the ones this grass roots coalition was able to find out about thru its own efforts because the DPD, like police depts. across the US, refuses to release information on people they kill.  Most of these 42 people were unarmed and doing nothing wrong when they were killed by cops.

The DPD’s attempt to cover up Aiyana’s murder is instructive.  They not only blamed her grandmother by saying the cop’s gun went off while she was struggling with him.  They took her into custody and tested her for gunpowder residue and for drugs to try to back up their lie.  Think about this.  They had just shot her grand baby to death before her eyes, and then they arrest her and try to blame her for it.

This cover up is being continued to this day by the Michigan state police and other officials in the area.  How long does it take to figure out that the cops broke into the wrong apartment that night?  (I have been to the house, and there are clearly 2 entrances, one to the upstairs apt where Chauncey Owens--the guy the cops had the warrant for -- lives. And the other to the downstairs apt where Aiyana and her family lived.)  A few days or even a few minutes should be enough to determine that.  Why hasn’t some government agency made this public.  Why hasn’t the video of the raid (Remember the A&E film crew was there recording the whole thing.) been released?  Why haven’t there been banner headlines in the Detroit Free Press (DFP) or lead stories on the local news shows to this effect?  Months after Aiyana’s death, most of the people writing in to the DFP’s online comments page about her killing still believed that Owens was captured in Aiyana’s family’s home that night! And the authorities want people to remain confused about these details so their role in this murder remains unclear.

And finally, the system of capitalism is responsible for this murder.  The DPD, just like police depts. nationwide, patrol the areas where Black people live like they have a green light to brutalize and murder people.  The very operation of this system drew large numbers of Black people into cities across the country to work at the bottom of the work force in the auto, steel and other plants.  These plants are largely closed down and/or moved half way around the world, leaving millions of Black people facing a situation of no jobs and a wrecked educational system.  In effect brutal, murdering cops are the front line enforcers for these miserable conditions.  (All this is gone into in more depth in issue #144 of Revolution newspaper, “The Oppression of Black People, The Crimes of This System and The Revolution We Need.”  This issue is available at

It is against this backdrop that we have to evaluate the report that there were stolen cars in Aiyana’s family’s back yard or questions of why her parents didn=t move away from the mean streets on the east side of Detroit.  Aiyana wasn’t killed because of poor life choices made by her parents.  And the end logic of even partly attributing her murder to what her parents did wrong leads to you joining the system=s blame the victim chorus.

Look at the big picture -- the capitalist/imperialist system is grinding away, crushing the spirits and breaking the bodies of countless numbers of people here in this country and around the world.  As this society wide meat grinder inflicts atrocities on the masses, we are invited to look at the life choices of Aiyana’s family.  Most of those killed by cops are Black or Latino males who are teen aged or older, and the system always spotlights their criminal records or immigration status or whatever else they can use to blame them for what happened to them.  Since Aiyana was only 7, in this case, the blame gets put onto her parents.  This is all a bunch of crap.

The system is responsible for Aiyana=s murder.  In particular, the killer cop should be prosecuted for his murderous deed, and the city and state officials who collaborated in the cover up should also be exposed and prosecuted.  I have traveled to Detroit and spoke and written as part of working to make this happen.

And overall, we in the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) are building a movement for revolution.  We are working to put revolution on the map in this country, let people know about the leader we have for this revolution in Bob Avakian, the head of the RCP and we are working to bring into being a core of people determined to make this revolution real.  And the RCP has released a Constitution for the Future Socialist Republic in North America which shows how a socialist society constructed after this capitalist set up was gotten rid of thru revolution would be organized and how it would work. (Again, you can get info on this or get connected with the movement for revolution by going to:

So that’s my thoughts on the police murder of Aiyana Stanley-Jones -- the system is responsible, and revolution is the solution.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Celebrating the Release of the CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic In North America (Draft Proposal).

On Wednesday, November 10, at Revolution Books NYC, Carl Dix read a statement from the Revolutionary Communist Party on the release of the CONSTITUTION For The New Socialist Republic In North America (Draft Proposal).
* * *
      Welcome everyone to the release celebration for the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal) from the Revolutionary Communist Party.  This is a momentous occasion and I’m going to read a few brief comments about the significance of this Constitution, and call on everyone here to really get deeply into this, and be part of getting it way out in the world.
     As it says in the Introductory Explanation, this Constitution was written with the future in mind.  It sets forth, “a basic model, and fundamental principles and guidelines, for the nature and functioning of a vastly different society and government than now exists: the New Socialist Republic in North America, a socialist state which would embody, institutionalize and promote radically different relations and values among people; a socialist state whose final and fundamental aim would be to achieve, together with the revolutionary struggle throughout the world, the emancipation of humanity as a whole and the opening of a whole new epoch in human history--communism--with the final abolition of all exploitative and oppressive relations among human beings and of the destructive antagonistic conflicts to which these relations give rise.”
     This Constitution is a framework for a radically new economic system, a radically new political system and it is also a framework through which people will be able to work their way toward and reach a communist society.  Quoting from the message and call of the campaign the Revolutionary Communist Party is currently undertaking, “the revolution we need... the leadership we have,” “A world where people work and struggle together for the common good... Where everyone contributes whatever they can to society and gets back what they need to live a life worthy of human beings... Where there are no more divisions among people in which some rule over and oppress others, robbing them not only of the means to a decent life but also of knowledge and a means for really understanding, and acting to change, the world.”
     Bob Avakian’s new synthesis provides the foundation of this, and the principle of solid core with a lot of elasticity runs throughout.  Reading from the preamble, “This means that, on the one hand, there must be a continually expanding force in society, with the revolutionary communist party as its leading element, which is firmly convinced of the need to advance to communism and deeply committed to carrying forward this struggle, through all the difficulties and obstacles; and, on the basis of and at the same time as continually strengthening this ‘solid core,’ there must be provision and scope for a wide diversity of thinking and activity, among people throughout society, ‘going off in many different directions,’ grappling and experimenting with many diverse ideas and programs and fields of endeavor--and once again all this must be ‘embraced’ by the vanguard party and the ‘solid core’ in an overall sense and enabled to contribute, through many divergent paths, to the advance along a broad road toward the goal of communism.”
     The significance of having this kind of framework for day one, and then beyond after the seizure of power in a country like this, can’t be underestimated.  This is huge, and those at the core of a movement for revolution need to be living in this themselves - putting ourselves there and wrangling very broadly with both the obstacles and potential pathways of human emancipation in a socialist transition to communism given concrete expression in policies and principles in this Constitution.
     There is also great significance in what it means to have this Constitution out in the world today.
     In a world where the planet itself is in grave danger, and where the vast majority of humanity is suffering from the daily exploitation, the soul crushing scramble for survival, the lives lost needlessly around the world to imperialist wars of domination and the alienation and desperation that comes from all this... people are being snuffed out and smothered both by the weight of this system and by the idea that these conditions are permanent, that it has to be this way.
     No!  The basis exists for a radically different, a radically liberating world.  This Constitution is a declaration, it’s a concrete answer to what we mean by that, what we mean when it’s said in the message and call that “this is NOT the best of all possible worlds... and we do NOT have to live this way.”
     Today, as those of us in the movement for revolution prepare for THIS future, this constitution is also a means of presenting a real alternative to the present system; a response to the argument, in whatever form, that there is nothing that can be done to change things, and there is no viable alternative; and a challenge in contrast to the program--or the lack of program--of other forces of various kinds.  It’s an answer to when people raise questions about the objectives of the movement for revolution - or negatively raise the accusation that we are always against this or that, always negative but have nothing that we’re for or offer no positive alternative - this is an opportunity to challenge them, and prevail on them to get a copy and seriously engage this Constitution.  And again – it is most of all the framework for actually doing something good – something very good indeed! – with the new state power that will be won and forged when the revolution succeeds.
     And, as it says in the introductory explanation, it should “stimulate, as broadly as possible, such serious and substantive engagement with this Draft Proposal, and vigorous discussion and debate about what it puts forward as the kind of society and world to be not only imagined but actively struggled for.”
     As you get into this, I want to invite you be part of discussions with us on what is in here.  And I want to invite you to also be part of the work, now and over the next couple months to really get this Constitution out in society and the world with truly major impact.  Feed in your ideas and brainstorms - talk to me, or people with the buttons asking for your ideas.  You can also join us tonight after the celebration for a more formal planning session.  Come out with us on the campuses and to the neighborhoods, getting out materials broadly and selling lots of copies.  Buy ten tonight to get to friends, and tell us your ideas on where we should go and who we should reach.
     Contribute funds to make this promotion possible - the printing of materials, online advertising for the web release (Monday, 11/15).  Buy copies for prisoners, sell tickets to the fundraising dinner on 11/20, buy one for yourself and invite your friends, hold a fundraising dinner in your own home and also, talk to us about your ideas for raising larger funds, including if there are people you know who we should approach.
     We ARE building a movement for revolution... and this Constitution lays out WHAT that revolution is going to bring into being, in a visionary but very concrete way.  And wherever you see yourself in relation to this Constitution, and the movement for revolution we are building to bring this society into being... and whatever this Constitution evokes and provokes in you... we very, very much want to hear your response, embarking on and keeping up a dialogue.
     Thank you again to everyone for being part of this celebration, stick around, let’s talk with each other further about this Constitution, its significance, potential impact and what it’s going to take to realize that potential.
     Thank you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cornel West and Carl Dix Dialogue in Harlem: What Future for Our Youth?

From Revolution #216

     If you weren't there, you missed something electric.
     A sold-out crowd of more than 650 people at Aaron Davis Hall in Harlem, largely composed of African-Americans and youth but also other people of many nationalities and ages, turned out on October 29 for a dialogue between Cornel West and Carl Dix: "In the Age of Obama, Part II... Police Terror, Incarceration, No Jobs, Mis-education: What Future For Our Youth?" The dialogue was a fundraiser for Revolution Books and the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund (PRLF).
     West—a prominent Black intellectual, Princeton University professor, and longtime opponent of racial oppression—and Dix—a founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party who served two years in prison for refusing orders to go to Vietnam—were speaking less than two years after the election of the nation's first Black president led many to proclaim that a brighter future was ahead for youth of color. It was also less than two weeks after police 30 miles north of New York City murdered 20-year-old D.J. Henry, an unarmed Black college student; and three days after an article in the New York Times reminded us that the NYPD has stopped-and-frisked hundreds of thousands of people each year—the vast majority of them African-Americans and Latinos who had committed no crime.
     In other words, the main themes of this dialogue are badly needed, almost completely absent from the social and political landscape, and right on time. Where, for instance, in all the election debates and coverage did you hear this being discussed? The title of the event clearly resonated with, and intrigued, people walking into the auditorium.
     One man told Revolution, "I have read a couple of Cornel West's books. Carl Dix is with the [Revolutionary] Communist Party—a publicly declared atheist, which is a beautiful thing. I'm a non-theist myself. Particularly in this country, stigma goes along with one saying they're an atheist. Christ and religion —period—is so predominant in the U.S. There is a negative stigma with anyone who believes otherwise. Christ is shoved down your throat in this country whether you want to be exposed to it or not."
     He added, "The title is very's complete, timely, necessary—instead of newscasters presenting supposedly what Americans' opinions are, a lot of the people here are of the opinion that don't necessarily get voiced..."
     Another said, "I am familiar with Cornel West. I've not heard him speak publicly before. And I know he's a little bit of a radical. And sometimes I feel that it's important to hear those voices. I don't necessarily disagree or agree. But I like to hear a balanced argument."
     Dix was the first to take the microphone. He began by condemning the humiliation, harassment, and murder that police regularly bring down on youth, linking these crimes to pervasive violence against women in our society, the prejudice against and violent persecution of gays and lesbians, children in South Asia slaving away in sweatshops, and U.S. drones raining destruction onto villages in Afghanistan and Pakistan. All of these crimes, Dix said, come from a common source: the capitalist-imperialist system that has a stranglehold on the planet and its people.
     However, Dix said he did not come just to expose the horrors facing this planet, or explain why these horrors occur. Rather, he said: "My message is simple and urgent. I came here to tell people: Things do not have to be this way. We have a solution. Through communist revolution, we can end the horrors of this system and bring a far better world into being. And, we are building a movement for revolution. And we have a leader—Bob Avakian, the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party—who makes this revolution immeasurably more possible." To drive home to the 650-plus people there just how serious and real this movement for revolution is, Dix held up a copy of the hot-off-the-pressConstitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal). (See the Preamble to the Constitution in this issue.) Dix referred to this new Constitution throughout the evening, and urged people to buy it.
     Dix acknowledged that youth today are caught up in a lot of "bad shit," but emphasized the reason for this is what the capitalist-imperialist system does to them and the killing choices with which it leaves them. The way for youth to get out of this situation is not lectures about personal responsibility, "getting with god," or pulling up their pants: it is to get with the movement for revolution to end this capitalist-imperialist system, transforming themselves in the process. He emphatically argued that all religion promotes a slave mentality.
     Cornel West was next to speak, and there were both differences and extremely important points of unity between him and Carl Dix. West began by saying that whether he agreed with everything he said or not, Dix—as well as Avakian—should be praised for a fierce commitment to the oppressed. He referred to himself as a "Jesus-loving free Black man," and responded to Dix's sharp critique of religion by saying the god he (West) envisioned and believed in was one that sustains those who advocated for poor people and empowered themselves.
     West's speech exuded anger, compassion and love for the oppressed, and moral clarity. He poignantly condemned the degradation, isolation, hatred, hopelessness and violence this system imposes on its youth, several times explicitly linking these things to capitalism-imperialism and the culture that this system spawns. He angrily denounced the criminalization and demonization of impoverished youth, while challenging these youth to reject a culture of "superficial titillation" and "moral constipation," and to give their lives meaning by fighting for justice and the oppressed. West told the young people in the room not to strive for success if they defined success as accommodating to injustice. "Justice," Cornel told the audience, "is what love looks like in public."
     And West said that if the youth choose to be revolutionary communists, "that's your choice," and that if they choose to fight for justice, they would find themselves alongside revolutionary communists.
     Following moving and successful appeals for funds, audience members posed questions to the speakers, including: Why is there so much violence among the youth, and what can be done about it? What steps can students take to learn critical information being denied to them in school curricula? What are some concrete things that individuals can do to resist the system? How should we view the question of Black nationalism?
     As they took turns speaking to these and other questions, Dix and West embraced their shared hatred for this system's crimes, while also engaging their differences with honesty, liveliness, principle, and mutual respect. After the dialogue, several people said they were struck by the way Dix and West related to each other. One student said that at her high school, too often people with different views believe that because someone thinks differently they have to be separate and stay apart. And she was impressed to see an atheist and a religious person on stage discussing and engaging their differences; this showed her a different way that society could be. This was an insightful comment. This whole event was a model of the kind of debate and contestation of ideas that will go on in the new socialist society all the damn time.
     After the event, the lobby was full of people who were clearly inspired, moved, provoked, and intrigued—by the dialogue, and by the experience of being in a room full of people passionately engaging the issues at hand.
     A 23-year-old African-American student summed up her reactions to the event by saying: "I've been motivated, entertained, and uplifted all in one. Fantastic."
     "Everything that they talked about is exactly the things that I think are prevalent to me right now as a teenager, as a student, as the youth that they were talking about," said a 17-year-old white high school student from Brooklyn. "This is what I feel—that this is a moment in time where we have the future ahead of us and we have to seize it, and it's our decision what we're gonna do with it."
     The student said he had just gotten a copy of the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America (Draft Proposal), and said: "To say: 'There's another way'? Very powerful." "It's so common to say 'The way things are done is wrong'—to denounce the government, to denounce the way we're doing things, to say 'this is fucked up, we can't be doing this.' It's so common to be contrarian that it's almost meaningless. What is meaningful is to offer a solution to those problems.… You can read this."
     Many people expressed being very fired up and inspired and at the same time were still taking in and sorting through what they had heard, and grappling with how to understand what type of movement for revolution was being put forward, and what they could do as an individual.
      A college student was asked what sense he had gotten of what the Revolutionary Communist Party and this movement for revolution are all about.
     "Hmm, let me think for a moment," he said, pausing. "I think I would have to look into more of the Party's readings to truly understand what they—like how they want to do things. 'Cause I know what they want. It sounds like they want a more collective organized system of equality for the people in an economic way. But I would have to read more about their means of doing it. 'Cause I understand it only on a surface level, I think, after tonight. But I do understand the urgency of change on a deeper level."
     A young boxer, one of whose parents is from Puerto Rico and the other from Guam, said he had long been passionate about the themes West and Dix were addressing: "I connected to everything...This is my life. This isn't just an event for me. This is already a cause I'm already actively pursuing. So to know that I'm not alone, it's the most amazing feeling. The most amazing feeling. Like I cried—I'm not a crier, I'm a fucking boxer."
      Asked if there were things that surprised him, a high school student said:
"You know, I was surprised by how enthusiastic everybody around me was. It was inspiring to see everybody so into it. To see people feeling—and not just sitting around and listening... People taking it in and feeling it and feeling like they can go out and do something. You can tell this isn't something where people are going to listen to some really nice radical notions and ideas and go home and say, 'Well, I saw Cornel West and he said some very interesting things.' You can tell these are people who want to do something about this and start this revolution and make things happen in the world. To stop eating all the crap that they're fed and go out and make something of this, take that power, because the world belongs to us. And people in this room realize that. It's all about community, and that feeling of community, I think, was my favorite thing here tonight."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Police Terror, Incarceration, No Jobs, Miseducation:
What Future for Our Youth?
A Dialogue Between CORNEL WEST and CARL DIX

October 29, 2010 7:00 PM at the Harlem Stage at Aaron Davis Hall 
on the campus of the City College of New York, 135th & Convent Avenue, New York NY

A Benefit Evening for Revolution Books and the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund
Location: HarlemStage, Aaron Davis Hall, 135th & Convent
TICKETS: $20 General Admission, $100 Premium, $250 Friends of Revolution Membership

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cornel West & Carl Dix Trailer: Get Ready for Dialogue Part 2!

Share this far and wide!

Police Terror, Incarceration, No Jobs, Miseducation:
What Future for Our Youth?
A Dialogue Between CORNEL WEST and CARL DIX
October 29, 2010 7:00 PM at the Harlem Stage at Aaron Davis Hall 
on the campus of the City College of New York, 135th & Convent Avenue, New York NY

A Benefit Evening for Revolution Books and the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund
Location: HarlemStage, Aaron Davis Hall, 135th & Convent

TICKETS: $20 General Admission,
$100 Premium
For more info and buy tickets

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carl Dix is a Signatory to World Can't Wait's "Crimes Are Crimes" Statement

The "Crimes Are Crimes" Statement was published in the New York Times last week.

It has become common knowledge that Barack Obama has openly ordered the assassination of an American citizen, Anwar al-Aulaki. Without trial or other judicial proceeding, the administration has simply put him on the to-be-killed list.* 

Whistleblowers in the military leaked a video showing U.S. troops firing on an unarmed party of Iraqis in 2007, including two journalists, and then firing on those who attempted to rescue them, including two children. As ugly as this video of the killing of 12 Iraqis was, the chatter recorded from the helicopter cockpit was even more monstrous. The Pentagon says that there would be no charges against these soldiers; and the media absolves of blame. “They were under stress,” the story goes; “Our brave men and women must be supported.” Meanwhile, those who leaked and publicized the video came under government surveillance and are targeted as “national security” threats. 

The Pentagon acknowledged, after denials, a massacre near the city of Gardez, Afghanistan, on February 12, 2010. 5 people were killed, including two pregnant women, leaving 16 children motherless.  The U.S. military first said the two men killed were insurgents, and the women, victims of a family “honor killing,” but the Afghan government accepts the eyewitness reports that U.S. Special Forces killed the men, (a police officer and lawyer) and the women, and then dug their own bullets out of the women’s bodies to destroy evidence. Top U.S. military officials have now admitted that U.S. soldiers killed the family in their house. 

Just weeks earlier, a story broken in Harper’s by Scott Horton carried news that three supposed suicides of detainees in Guantánamo in 2006 were not suicides, but possible homicides carried out by American personnel. This passed almost without comment.** 

In some respects, this is worse than Bush. First, because Obama has claimed the right to assassinate American citizens whom he suspects of “terrorism,” merely on the grounds of his own suspicion or that of the CIA, something Bush never claimed publicly. Second, Obama says that the government can detain you indefinitely, even if you have been exonerated in a trial, and he has publicly floated the idea of “preventive detention." Third, the Obama administration, in expanding the use of unmanned drone attacks, argues that the U.S. has the authority under international law to use such lethal force and extrajudicial killing in sovereign countries with which it is not at war. 

Such measures by Bush were widely considered by liberals and progressives to be outrages and were roundly, and correctly, protested.  But those acts which may have been construed (wishfully or not) as anomalies under the Bush regime, have now been consecrated into “standard operating procedure” by Obama, who claims, as did Bush, executive privilege and state secrecy in defending the crime of aggressive war. 

Unsurprisingly, the Obama administration has refused to prosecute any members of the Bush regime who are responsible for war crimes, including some who admitted to waterboarding and other forms of torture, thereby making their actions acceptable for him or any future president, Democrat or Republican. 

End the complicity of silence. 

* On 9/24/10 the Justice Department asserted that “state secrets” bar any examination of Obama’s order. 

** On 9/29/10 a U.S. federal court dismissed a suit by the victims’ families on grounds of “national security.”

Monday, October 11, 2010

Get Ready for October 22nd National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality!

From Revolution Online: October 10, 2010

Fighting Police Brutality, and Transforming the People, for Revolution!

Or just meet some of them, sit down and talk with them, and work with them, like I have. Nicholas Heyward Sr. will tell you what it feels like when the police kill your 13-year-old son for having a toy gun. Or Margarita Rosario will tell you what it's like to hear that your son and nephew were shot in the back by cops while they were lying face down with their hands up. And they and other family members of police murder victims will tell you what it's like to watch the cops who committed these crimes get off with no punishment.
Some thought Obama's election would lead to a reduction in police abuse, but what has happened? September 5: Manuel Jamines is gunned down by cops in L.A. in broad daylight on a busy street. July 8: Johannes Mehserle, the cop who shot Oscar Grant in the back as he lay face down and handcuffed, is let off with a conviction for involuntary manslaughter, which is like saying it was an accident. May 16: Aiyana Stanley-Jones, a 7-year-old girl, is killed by Detroit police who conduct a midnight raid into her apartment searching for a suspect who lived in the apartment upstairs!
The dogs are still in the street.
Some people blame our youth for all this, or say it's our own fault. Detroit Mayor Dave Bing said the cops have to come into the neighborhoods the way they do because of the violence the youth are involved in. Speaking at the funeral of Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Reverend Al Sharpton said: "I'm looking at the man in the mirror. All of us share some of the blame for Aiyana's death." This is plain wrong, and it's poisonous! We need straight talk on who's really to blame for the situation our youth face.
Neither Oscar Grant nor Aiyana Stanley-Jones did anything to cause their murders. Neither did most of the people who were killed or brutalized by police. And the system itself is responsible for the crime and violence our youth are caught up in. It was the capitalist system that stripped the inner cities of jobs that pay a living wage. The capitalist system that wrecked the educational system. That in 1,001 ways, spreads the message that the lives of our youth are worthless. That promotes the mentality of look out for number 1 and being for yourself, and for your group before anything else. Yet when our youth take up this outlook and apply it to the ways the system has out there for them to survive—whatever hustle they can find, legitimate or illegitimate—the authorities use this to demonize the youth.
As the Message and Call from the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), "The Revolution We Need ... The Leadership We Have," puts it:
"Look at what this system is doing to youth right here in the USA. For millions in the inner cities, if they are not killed at an early age, their likely future is prison (nearly 1 in 8 young Black men is incarcerated, the prisons are overflowing with Blacks and Latinos, and this country has the highest rate of incarceration of women in the world). This system has robbed so many youth of the chance for a decent life and has got far too many living, dying and killing for nothing—nothing good—nothing more than messing up people and murdering each other on the streets of the cities here...or joining the military, being trained to be murderers on a mass scale, massacring people in countries across the globe."
This system has no future for the youth, but the revolution does!
We need to make this revolution. We are building a movement for revolution to get us to a whole different world. A world where the majority of people are no longer forced to slave for the benefit of a wealthy few. A world where there are no more divisions between women and men or between people of different races or nationalities. A world where the backward ideas that help keep this dog eat dog setup in effect are no more. And as a first step in that, making revolution and building a revolutionary society that values the youth as representing the future, instead of criminalizing them like this one does. A revolutionary society that unleashes them to contribute their thinking, spirit and energy to advancing society, and doesn't pen them in, beat them down and kill them off like this one does.
Things don't have to be this way. Through communist revolution, we could bring a totally different and far better world into being. We are spreading revolution and communism everywhere. And we are mobilizing people to resist the attacks this system brings down on the masses as part of getting ready for revolution. And the youth need to be in the forefront of this movement for revolution, and they will be a backbone of the new structure that runs the revolutionary society!
Now I'm not saying these youth could help lead a revolution and build a new revolutionary society the way they are today. No, they couldn't do that, but our youth weren't always into the things they are now. The conditions created and enforced by the capitalist system itself are what changed our youth from beautiful children to gangbangers and criminals.
We need to get our youth out of this shit and into something in the interests of humanity. But lectures about pulling up your pants or sermons won't do anything to change them for the better. Neither will threats of intensified repression. The only way that they can get out of all the bad shit they're caught up in now is by getting clear on the real cause of the misery and brutality inflicted on the masses—the capitalist system. And by joining in the struggle against this system and what it does to the people. We know that these youth are impatient and defiant. Given what the system does to them, this is a good thing. The movement for revolution can tap into that impatience and defiance and give it positive expression, right now. This can play an important part in getting to revolution. In this way, they can join the emancipators of humanity and become a part of bringing into being a totally different and far better way for people to live here and around the world.
As the statement from the RCP, "The Revolution We Need... The Leadership We Have" puts it: "The days when this system can just keep on doing what it does to people, here and all over the world…when people are not inspired and organized to stand up against these outrages and to build up the strength to put an end to this madness…those days must be GONE. And they CAN be."
October 22, 2010, the 15th annual National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, needs to be a day marked by determined resistance. It needs to be a day when young people and older folk too pour into the streets and manifest their outrage at the brutality and murder this system's enforcers inflict on the people. It needs to be a day when the victims have a platform to expose how this official brutality has devastated their lives, and when people from different backgrounds and of different races come together to say NO MORE to these outrages. We in the RCP, who throw our hearts and souls into building this movement for revolution, will be there that day and in the days leading up to this to build this resistance as part of that movement.
To repeat, there IS a movement for revolution out there that the youth can get with now. A movement that can tap into their defiance and anger and show them how to direct it to building resistance to the ways the system comes at the people. Resistance that gives people a sense that things don't have to be this way. Resistance that exposes the illegitimacy of this system and the horrors its enforcers inflict on the people. Resistance that shows people another way for people to relate to each other than the dog-eat-dog mentality this system promotes.
And again, anybody who is really concerned about what the youth are into and wants to see them doing better needs to be helping them see that the system is the real problem and encouraging them to join those who are fighting the power and transforming themselves and others, for revolution. Not giving them lectures about pulling up their pants and taking personal responsibility, or getting into god.
All Out for October 22nd, the National Day of Protest To Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation!
Fight the Power, and Transform the People, for Revolution!
This System Has No Future for the Youth, But the Revolution Does!

Friday, October 08, 2010

October 29: IN THE AGE OF OBAMA, Part 2

October 29, Friday, 7 PM
Police Terror, Incarceration, No Jobs, Miseducation:
A Dialogue Between CORNEL WEST and CARL DIX

A Benefit Evening for Revolution Books and the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund
Location: HarlemStage at Aaron Davis Hall, City College of New York, 135th & Convent Avenue

TICKETS: $20 General Admission, $100 Premium
Call (212) 281-9240 x19 or 20, or online (go to "Get Tickets")